We finished up our stay in Yellowstone with a trip to Mammoth Springs were sulfur and other mineral deposits have formed all sorts of funky formations, orange and white, and there is often steaming water flowing over them, creating these amazing little waterfalls. Alex looked desperately for grizzlies as we left the park (they were only bushes and more bison) and made me grow cross-eyed looking at everything through the binoculars, but to no avail. As we drove across Wyoming, I must say that it was much more memorable than southern Idaho (Alex said that northern Idaho is more impressive). We drove through mountain ranges and exposed red rock and mesas (somewhat like Utah, but bigger) after leaving Yellowstone on our way to Cody, WY, home of Buffalo Bill. Ixchel was clamoring for a swimming pool and her daily ice cream, and we stayed at a great little hotel where the owner has miniature (as well as regular) horses. Ixchel kissed one of the horses and fed them all hay. She still has a little bit of a runny nose at this point but she’s better. You’re probably thinking maybe she shouldn’t be swimming and eating ice cream, but it’s very hard to deny her these pleasures after so many hours in the car. She actually has a rash on her little behind from sitting so much!
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